Terry Crews on Toxic Masculinity

I was reading something really interesting on the Guardian - an article written by Jonathan Bernstein on Terry Crews as the male advocate for the '#metoo' campaign; and here I'll kind of summarise it for you guys (link is at the bottom!).

So, for those of you that haven't heard of it, the '#metoo' campaign was essentially a hashtag that was trending on Twitter. Alongside which, women (and men) would disclose and share their experiences of sexual assault. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness and to get these discussions out in the open. Pretty beautiful idea.

What followed was bittersweet. The sharing in the union of the victims was a tear-jerkingly stunning moment in human communication, but the content was disgusting.

However, what failed to be spoken about as much was the sexual harassment of men, of which Terry Crews has since become a voice. Crews spoke out and took legal action when assaulted by his boss and well-known Hollywood agent, also sending out a chain of tweets detailing the nature of the assault on Twitter, therefore becoming the predominant male voice and icon of the '#metoo' movement, setting an example for others whilst also reminding the world that these issues are not exclusive to women, and are deeply troubling.

You can read the article here: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2018/may/22/terry-crews-marvel-toxic-masculinity-and-life-after-metoo
